Please take some time to explore the service departments of the Cleveland Bradley County Public Library. Whether you are wanting to pick up a good book, attend a fun and interesting program, discover your past, or find information, there is a department at the Library to help you!
Children’s Services
Young library users are very important to us. The professional staff provides experiences that are fun and transformative through programming, reference and reader’s advisory, and assistance in locating materials. The Collection includes: over 50,000 items in the Easy, Easy Reader, Juvenile, and AV (DVD, CDs, Tablets, and Audiobooks) sections of the Children’s Library; and reference and magazine collections are provided for in-house use. Programs for children include: weekly storytimes for babies, preschoolers as well as families; the Summer Reading Program in June and July; and many other fun events. Computers are available for children’s use as well as an online-catalog. Tours or orientations for groups and classes can be made by appointment.
Bookmobile On-the-Go
The Cleveland Bradley County Public Library makes regular visits to daycares, pre-schools, private schools, senior facilities and community stops within Bradley County. The next time you see the Bookmobile parked at one of our stops, feel free to come in and check out. You can use your CBCPL card to check out materials.
To contact the library about the bookmobile please use:
phone: (423) 472-2163 ext. 112

This bookmobile was purchased through donated private monies from the Community Foundation of Cleveland and Bradley County, the Clarke Memorial Literacy Fund, the George R. Johnson Foundation, and the Foundation for the Cleveland Public Library.
Route A
- Shenandoah Baptist Academy
- Cuddle Bugs
- Lacey’s Littles
- Senior Activity Center
- Charter Senior Living
- Life Care Nursing Home
- Garden Plaza
- Woodsong Forest School
- The Preserve
- Remember Me Senior Care
- Charleston Community (School)
Route B
Korner Kampus
Faith Haven Academy
Waterville Head Start
Wesley Memorial Kids
Montessori School
- Garden Plaza
- Waterville Community
- McDonald Community
Route C
- North Cleveland Baptist Preschool
- TN State Veterans’ Home
- First United Methodist PDO
- Waterville Head Start
- Westwood Day School
- Garden Plaza
- Blythe-Oldfield Community
- Georgetown Community (Dollar General)
Circulation Department
Welcome to the Circulation Department! Our Circulation staff welcomes you to the Cleveland Bradley County Public Library. Our goal is for you to have the best experience possible. Please don’t hesitate to call or email questions and we will respond in a timely manner. Library cards are free to Bradley County Residents. There is a $15 charge for out of county residents. A replacement card is $4. You must show 2 proofs of address (such as Driver’s License, checkbook, postmarked letter, Hunting & Fishing License). For your convenience, now you can print the application out at home.
History Branch & Archives
The History Branch and Archives of the Cleveland Bradley County Library is located at 833 N. Ocoee Street in one of Cleveland’s best-loved landmarks. The Craigmiles House, built-in 1866, was placed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 1975. It has served as a library since 1922. The library’s collection is focused on genealogy and local history. A wealth of information about Bradley County is available, including vital records, family, city and county histories, and court records dating to the county’s earliest years. Local newspapers (1854-1970) are available on microfilm. Civil War sources included military records of Union and Confederate soldiers from Bradley and surrounding counties, barred and disallowed claims filed with the Southern Claims Commission, and Confederate soldier’s and widow’s pension applications. Special collections include photographs, scrapbooks, and manuscripts. Of special interest are the Mayfield Papers (legal correspondence, 1895-1929), the James F. Corn Papers (Cherokee Indians), and the William R. Snell Papers (interpretive study of Red Clay State Park). History Branch Policies Due to the nature of its collection, the History Branch and Archives has some policies and rules designed for the protection of the collection, to assure its continued availability to future generations of users. NOTICE: It is a violation of Tennessee law to remove library materials with the intent to deprive the library of possession of that material. Violators will be prosecuted. Tennessee Code Annotated 39-3-1135.
- Eating, drinking, and use of tobacco products are not allowed in the building.
- Cell phones should be turned off or turned to vibrate. In the event a call must be taken, please leave the Research or Microfilm Room.
- Please register once each day.
- Staff is available to offer general introductory assistance to materials.
- Use of personal computers in the Research Room is permitted with the understanding that the Cleveland Bradley County Public Library System is not responsible for any damage done to a personal computer plugged into a library power source during a power failure or for any other reason.
- Do not reshelve books, microfilm, or other library materials.
- Do not write or mark on any library books or other materials. If you find an error and can document a correction, please take the item to a staff member.
- Please use pencils only. Pens leave permanent marks on books.
- Patrons may select their own microfilm. If assistance with a reader is needed, ask a staff member for help. Please turn off the reader when not in use.
- Rare, fragile, and/or irreplaceable materials may not be photocopied. We reserve the right to refuse to copy materials that the staff determines may be damaged by photocopying. Hand-held photocopiers and desktop photocopiers are not permitted. The researcher is responsible for abiding by copyright restrictions on any material copied.
Please Note: There is a $2 charge per obituary if sent by History Branch personnel via email or by snail mail. Request can be made by mail: Cleveland Bradley County Public Library History Branch 833 Ocoee Street NE Cleveland, TN 37311 By email: By telephone: 423-479-8367
You can connect to the CBCPL History Branch and Archives Facebook page by clicking here.
Reference Department
Questions??? Ask the Reference Department
The Reference Librarians can help you find all you need to research, entertain, or relax.
Ask Us Anything
- “How far is sun from Earth?”
- “What is compost?”
- “Where is Red Clay State Park?”
- “Who won the 1st SuperBowl?”
- Reference Services
Telephone Reference Help
- Live Reference Help
- InterLibrary Loan
- Reader’s Advisory
Teen Services provides programs to develop and promote literacy, lifelong learning, and interpersonal communication skills in a welcoming and safe environment. Teens, ages 13-17, will have access to several varieties of gaming sessions, book club, film society, and we have our own dedicated space that teens are encouraged to use for socializing, creating, learning, and having fun! We allow teens to get a Cleveland Bradley County Library card without a parent if they can provide current proof of school enrollment, such as a student ID, that will allow them to check out 2 books at a time and access our online resources.