Community Posts @ CBCPL

Community Explanation

What are Community Posts?
This “Community” feature allows the Library to promote events and meetings in a new way that ties catalog items to related activities. The Library and/or patrons to have the ability to submit posts for clubs, organizations, activities, and more.
This page gives the user information regarding how to post organations or events as well as friend-making opportunities to the “Community” tab. Once created, posts are included in OPAC search results in a new “Community” tab alongside catalog results.

How do I create a post?
To create Community Post:
1. Patron must use the “Full OPAC” view in a phone or tablet browser or use the Librista app.

2. Call the Circulation Desk at 423-472-2163 x.119. Ask Desk staff to make sure the “Community Post” permission in your Library account is set appropriately.

3. If you do not know your Library card PIN, ask the Circulation Desk staff to help set one for you.

4. Log into your library account by entering your

a) Library card number with no spaces and b) entering your PIN.

5. Once logged in, check under our “Interests” tab. You will find a “My Community” area with a link to “Create a Group” as well as a “Create an Event” link.

6. Click on the desired link and enter the requested information.

7. Once submitted, allow 48 hours for the event to be approved.

8. The patron who created a post can also edit the post.

Take a moment to view the following video regarding Community Posts. Click here to see video