The Foundation for the Cleveland Public Library exists to provide additional monetary support for non-operational needs and special projects of the Cleveland Bradley County Public Library. This support can take many forms, from renovations and building additions to capital equipment and programming.

Donors are the driving support for the Foundation.  A gift of $1,000 or more helps the Foundation fund projects to expand and enhance the library. Past endeavors supported by the Foundation include:  

  • Enlarging the Main Campus
  • Renovating the Tucker Johnston Center, the CBCPL’s History Branch
  • Renovating the front porch, including columns, of the Main Campus
  • Landscaping for both the Main Campus and the History Branch
  • Placement of historical signage in front of all library buildings
  • Renovations inside the library in preparation for the Centennial Celebration
  • Addition of the Flex Space and Creative Cottage Space
  • Purchase of additional Bookmobiles

Interested in Making a Donation?

There are various ways to give, such as

  • Monthly Donations
  • One Time Gift
  • Honor & Memorials
  • Planned Giving
Book Mobile<br />

For more information call (423) 413-9927, email or donate here. 

Board Members

Margaret Campbell

Margaret Campbell


Ellen Dobbs

Ellen Dobbs


Virginia Kibble

Virginia Kibble


Bonnie C. Hathcock

Bonnie C. Hathcock

Public Relations

Jim Park

Jim Park

Community Development

Jerry Bohannon

Jerry Bohannon

Community Development

Chandler Burke

Chandler Burke

Community Development

Amy Banks

Amy Banks

Events Committee

Jane Easterly

Jane Easterly

Events Committee

Carolyn Jackson

Carolyn Jackson

Events Committee