Cleveland Bradley County Public Library

Obituary Search ?

Welcome to our obituary search tool. We currently have all of our obituaries indexed and are updating them daily with new ones that come out in the paper. The records go back to 1865. Currently searching is limited to either the first and/or last name of the individual you are searching. After your results have loaded you may then use the "Filter Results" box to narrow down your search. We will be slowly adding more advanced search tools in the future. Stay tuned...

Once you have found the obituary you are interested in you may contact the History Branch. You can either email them at or call (423) 479-8367. If you would prefer to receive a copy of an obituray via mail, please send a self addressed stamped envelope and $2.00 per record requested to CBCPL History Branch, 833 North Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311.